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Project USA 109 - Packaging Corporation of America

The Vision Cambodia Team

We wanted to say a big thank you to the Packaging Corporation of America for donating a well! This well is going to a well-deserving village who has needed clean water for quite some time.

One of the women in the village has been so sick for nearly 3 years that she hasn't been able to walk. She has no money to go to the hospital, and having no clean water to drink has not helped her situation at all.

With the help of your well donation and our wonderful monthly support donors, we were able to construct a brand new well close to her home and deliver some needed medical supplies and support!

It is hopeful that her quality of life will largely be able to improve as she gets the medical attention she so desperately needs! Thank you Packaging Corporation of America and a big thank you everyone who helps support our wonderful friends in Cambodia.

Just a few of the villagers that this new well will help support and supply with clean water!

One of the little boys from the village. Every time we come to build a well, we also bring any food and medical supplies that we're able to with the help of our monthly support donor fund! Bread is one thing that is a special treat for these villagers. They normally aren't able to have bread due to its high price and are unable to make it in the village themselves.

Some of the health and medical supplies that we were able to bring for this woman. Her and her family were so grateful for all of your help!

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