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8 Births Funded In One Day!!

The Vision Cambodia Team

Earlier this month, one of our humanitarian groups went and visited a baby birth center that Vision Cambodia helps support. On the day that they went and visited EIGHT babies were born into Vision Cambodia’s baby birth fund. 

All of these babies mothers would have been unable to afford the cost to deliver their baby with the transportation, medical support and supplies that we offer. But thanks to all of your generous support, these 8 babies were able to come into the world safely. 

This humanitarian group was even able to be there when one of the babies were born! The mother let the women in the group come into the birthing room right after she had given birth to see the newborn child!

This is a great example of how strong of a need we have for donations! In one day alone, we were able to find eight women who were in need of medical help and support to facilitate a safe birth. 

It only costs $30 to provide all the essentials a mother needs to have a hospitalized baby birth in Cambodia. (Compare that to the average cost of a birth in the U.S. – $10,000) 

We could all spare $30 to help a mother and her child in need. A small donation is often the difference between life and death. Please visit our donation page to get involved. 

Chantha helps explain the serious need in Cambodia for safe baby births. Help a mother in need by going to our donation page! (click on the donate button above)

One of the mothers poses with her new baby. If complications would have arisen outside of the center’s care, she would not have had the supplies needed to ensure her baby boy made it safely into this world.

A smiling new dad. There’s truly nothing better than seeing how happy and grateful the parents are knowing that their new baby is in the right care.

Receiving a baby birth card—these cards are very important in Cambodia to verify the birth of your child and their identity. Your donation of $30 also goes towards paying for the birth card.

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