People always ask us “how can I help?” or tell us “I want to help! How can I get involved?”
Our answer? It’s so easy to get involved!
Whether you want to donate a couple dollars, fund a new well or school, or even go on one of our amazing humanitarian trips, every little bit helps. Our main goal at Vision Cambodia is to help improve overall quality of life for those that are struggling in Cambodia. We do this in a bunch of different ways that we’ve listed out below. Check out all the ways you can get involved and let us know if you need our help to get started! If you have a specific way you’re wanting to help that’s not listed below, let us know and we’ll work with you to figure it out.
$375 to build a well:
-provides and entire village with permanent clean water
-dramatically improves lifespan and health for generations of Cambodians (thousands of Cambodians in rural areas die every year due to health problems linked back to unclean water)
$5,000 to build a school:
-provides free English education for an entire village
-covers cost of needed schools supplies and English teacher's salary for one year
-gives the children opportunities for better jobs and a brighter future
$30 to fund a baby birth:
-covers all transportation, supplies, and food needed for a healthy birth
-allows women to give birth in a safe, clean environment (most mothers give birth in the middle of rice fields with no access to medical tools or help)
-largely decreases the risk of maternal mortality (a leading cause of death in Cambodia)
$3,000 to build a greenhouse:
-provides economic growth opportunities for hundreds of Cambodians
-brings money back into our Cambodian villages
-equips a village with the environment needed to grow crops other than rice (more profitable cash crops)
-provides economic learning opportunities
$200-500 to go on a humanitarian trip:
-priceless experiences and perspective that would not be possible any other way
-experience the wonders of Cambodia while giving back!
-only $65/day per person
-covers accommodations and breakfast for the length of your trip
-transportation included with drivers and guides (including tips)
-life-changing humanitarian experiences
-visit ancient temples, historic Cambodian sites, and villages in the heart of Siem Reap
-(flights to and from Cambodia not included)